15th July, 2024

The Louis Copeland Experience: From First Suit to Lifelong Loyalty

In this heartfelt account, a long-time customer shares his enduring relationship with Louis Copeland, tracing it back to childhood memories of visiting the store with his father in 1980. The story highlights the exceptional customer experience at Louis Copeland, starting from the purchase of his first suit in 1996 to the present day. The customer emphasizes the unique atmosphere, personalized service, and the welcoming environment that sets Louis Copeland apart. It's not just about the high-quality products, such as bespoke suits, blazers, and casual wear, but about the comprehensive experience that makes every visit special. The evolution of his wardrobe preferences, from formal suits to a more semi-formal look, reflects both personal growth and changing fashion trends. The narrative concludes with a reflection on the sentimental value of the clothing and the importance of trusted relationships with favourite brands and retailers, like Louis Copeland.


SPK_2: Ken, remind me, how did you come into Louis Copeland?

SPK_1: I go back as far as 1980 when I was a kid. My dad used to go to Adrian, and I still remember when the British and Irish Lions were going to tour South Africa, I think it was in 1980. Adrian gave my dad a signed, framed list of all the British and Irish Lions. That was a little memory from the time. I think I was 10 or something, and boom, got that. So, that was my first introduction to Copeland’s, if you like. Then, you know, that was where I wanted to go when I got my first decent job to buy my first decent suit.

SPK_2: Okay, okay. Yeah, so when did you get your first suit?

SPK_1: I got my first suit from Louis in 1996.

SPK_2: Your communion?

SPK_1: My confirmation!

SPK_2: Confirmation!

SPK_1: When I moved to ESP Sports Co., I got the general manager's job, and it was my first sort of intro into getting that better job in the fitness industry. I said to myself, "Right, I'm going to buy myself a good suit in Louis Copeland’s." In November 1996, I went in, and I always remember going in with a sense of awe. Going back, because don't forget, 1996 was 16 years after I'd been in there with my dad as a kid. I went in and was a little bit intimidated going into Louis Copeland's, but nothing could have been further from the truth because from that moment to this moment—the welcome, the experience, the warmth, the expertise—every bit of it makes it more than just buying clothes.

SPK_2: So, I'm sure, the next question I'm going to ask is, why do you still come back?

SPK_1: If you look at modern-day retail or modern-day business, you can do it online, you can do it hybrid, but for me, whether I'm buying a pair of Jacob Cohen jeans or buying a suit of Canali or whatever it might be—shoes—to me, it's not just about the product. It's about the experience. No matter what business you're in—I'm in the fitness business—it's not just a gym; it's about the experience of connecting, energising, belonging. The same when you go into Copeland’s. You're going in to meet friends, you're going in there to have a good conversation. As I always say to my partner, I'm in there for an hour or two buying one product because you're just welcomed. You're not rushed in and out; it is a total experience from entry to leaving. Whether it's from Louis or one of the team, it's always fantastic. So, I really just don't go for the product; I go for the total experience, and it is an experience.

SPK_2: So, I'm sure your purchases have kind of changed over the years. Nowadays, with your new lifestyle or your new work, does it entail something different? Give me an idea of how that is.

SPK_1: I suppose when we go back to '96, suits were more in vogue. Nowadays, I find that this sort of semi-formal look is in vogue now. It's acceptable to wear jeans and a blazer, maybe a white T-shirt.

SPK_2: Cardigan?

SPK_1: Yeah, that would be my look now. I bought a brand new suit off you, maybe six months ago. I've worn it once, and I bought brand new shoes and a shirt to go with it—I've worn them once. But I would find that, for me, throwing on a blazer, cardigan, T-shirt, good jeans—whatever it might be—it's more comfortable but also more accepted now. In my business, if I walked in with a suit, they might think it was an accountant or Revenue. Nowadays, it's about bringing it up a stage but not quite formal, and it's also comfortable. The quality of the product is great. Blazers are great; they're so versatile. In my world at the moment, I probably have four suits and six blazers. That's how I operate.

SPK_2: Yeah, well, obviously, I like it in a casual sense. There's a smartness to it, however you've accessorised it. Pocket square, cardigan, and there's a bit of creativity in it, so I give you great kudos for it.

SPK_1: That's because I listen to you.

SPK_2: 50-50, I need a model as well. After you've been saying that you've been in Copeland’s for many years now, you must have a favourite piece of clothing that you got from Copeland down through the years?

SPK_1: I always remember one day in Copeland’s, you said to me, "If I went to the wardrobe, what's my favourite colour?" and there's no doubt about it, it would be navy or black. But navy would probably be the colour. So, I love my blazers. I've probably got two blazers that I really love. I love Seven 4 all Mankind jeans. I love Boss jeans and Jacob Cohen jeans. More than one outfit or one piece of clothing, it's probably an ensemble of what you put together. I would always go with a navy and white crisp T-shirt, blazer with it. I would have a summer version of that and then a more autumn-winter version. They would be my favourites. I found the other day some shoe covers from the first pair of shoes I bought in 1996 in Copeland’s. I still have the covers, but the shoes are long gone, unfortunately.

SPK_2: So, there's an awful lot of sentimental value as well!

SPK_1: Listen, as you go through life, you probably narrow it down to no more than three to five places where you spend your money, whether it's where you buy your car, your gym, your favourite bar, your favourite restaurant, and then your favourite tailor. That's Louis Copeland.

SPK_2: Great to hear.